Make sure following Profiles were set to Yes for the user 'OPERATIONS'
Personalize Self-Service Defn Yes
FND: Diagnostics Yes
Get .dbc file from unix box (application server) from $FND_TOP\secure\ folder
Mak sure the following responsibilities
OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial
OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial Labs
are added to the user 'Operations'
If you want to work on your own responsibility,
Add that responsibility to the user and get its Application Short Name and responsibility key.
Use them while creatiing new project.
JDeveloper Setup:
Find the correct version of Jdeveloper to be used for respective Oracle EBS:
Check with Metalink Note: ID 787209.1
Note: Finding the Correct Version of Jdev with Oracle Application Framework (OAF)
To determine which patch to use, you can check the framework version in your instance by using http://host:port/OA_HTML/OAInfo.jsp, then choose the matched JDeveloper patch or Identify the OA Framework version in your instance by activating diagnostics and click the "About This Page" from any OAF page. Click the "Technology Components" tab. The OA Framework version in the top row of the table can then be matched to the JDeveloper Patch.
Extract Jdeveloper patch into your machine.
Copy the path of extracted folder's jdevhome\jdev (D:\JDevOAF11iGENERIC\jdevhome\jdev)
Navigate to environment variables and set a new parameter JDEV_USER_HOME to D:\JDevOAF11iGENERIC\jdevhome\jdev
Place the .dbc file extracted from unix box into D:\JDevOAF11iGENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure
Open the folder D:\JDevOAF11iGENERIC\jdevbin\jdev\bin and create shortcut to jdevw.exe on desktop
Run the jdeveloper by double clicking the shortcut created
Open toolbox.jws(D:\JDevOAF11iGENERIC\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects) from File-->Open window of Jdeveloper
Right click the Tutorial.jpr and set its project settings:
Under Common--> Oracle Applications --> Runtime Connection
Select the .dbc file using browse button
input application front end username/password
input application short name and responsibility key
Make sure that respective responsibility is added to the Application front end user.
And then OK
Rebuild the Tutorial.jpx and Run test_fwktutorial.jsp
If the page runs without error, the JDeveloper set up is fine.
General Customizations and personalization requirements:
1. Display/hide various UI components
2. Make certain UI components readonly/editable
3. Change the headings
4. Add a new query condition in search page
5. Add new columns in the result page
6. Add a new UI component and map it to DB
Deployment of new application.
Develop the OAF application
Move the application to respective path of Applicaiton Server thru FTP in Default Mode
Move only .class files in binary mode again.
Run command prompt, change to the directory
Run following command for all UI OA objects like Page, Region, (.xml) ...
import D:\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\oracle\apps\cs\incident\sr\search\ui\webui\SRSummarySearchPG.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\myclasses\ -dbconnection "(description = (address_list = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1522)))(connect_data = (sid = dev)))"
Login into Application using Application Developer or Sys Administrator
Navigate to Application Front End.
System Administrator/Application Developer.
Applicatioin--> Function
Input Function, Function name, Description (SR_SRCH_SUM)
Click on properties tab
Select type as SSWA jsp function
Click on Weh HTML
Input following text in HTML Call
Save the page.
To test whether the OAF page is registered in MDS repository, execucte following script at sql prompt.
set serveroutput on;
exec jdr_utils.printDocument('/oracle/apps/cs/incident/sr/search/ui/webui/SRSummarySearchPG');
Add this function to the menu of OAF responsibility
Enviroment Variable:Path
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