Saturday, August 4, 2012

Single Query For P To P Cycle

Single Query For P To P Cycle

SELECT a.org_id "ORG ID",
e.vendor_name "VENDOR NAME",
UPPER (e.vendor_type_lookup_code) "VENDOR TYPE",
f.vendor_site_code "VENDOR SITE",
f.address_line1 "ADDRESS", "CITY", "COUNTRY",
TO_CHAR (TRUNC (d.creation_date)) "PO DATE",
d.segment1 "PO NUMBER",
d.type_lookup_code "PO TYPE",
c.quantity_ordered "QTY ORDERED",
c.quantity_cancelled "QTY CANCALLED",
g.item_description "ITEM DESCRIPTION",
g.unit_price "UNIT PRICE",
(NVL (c.quantity_ordered, 0) - NVL (c.quantity_cancelled, 0)
) *
NVL (g.unit_price, 0) "PO Line Amount",
(SELECT DECODE (ph.approved_flag, 'Y', 'Approved')
FROM po.po_headers_all ph
WHERE ph.po_header_id = d.po_header_id) "PO STATUS",
a.invoice_type_lookup_code "INVOICE TYPE",
a.invoice_amount "INVOICE AMOUNT",
TO_CHAR (TRUNC (a.invoice_date)) "INVOICE DATE",
a.invoice_num "INVOICE NUMBER",
(SELECT DECODE (x.match_status_flag, 'A', 'Approved')
FROM ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all x
WHERE x.invoice_distribution_id = b.invoice_distribution_id)
"Invoice Approved?",
i.check_number "CHEQUE NUMBER",
TO_CHAR (TRUNC (i.check_date)) "PAYMENT DATE"
FROM ap.ap_invoices_all a,
ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all b,
po.po_distributions_all c,
po.po_headers_all d,
po.po_vendors e,
po.po_vendor_sites_all f,
po.po_lines_all g,
ap.ap_invoice_payments_all h,
ap.ap_checks_all i
WHERE a.invoice_id = b.invoice_id
AND b.po_distribution_id = c.po_distribution_id(+)
AND c.po_header_id = d.po_header_id(+)
AND e.vendor_id(+) = d.vendor_id
AND f.vendor_site_id(+) = d.vendor_site_id
AND d.po_header_id = g.po_header_id
AND c.po_line_id = g.po_line_id
AND a.invoice_id = h.invoice_id
AND h.check_id = i.check_id
AND f.vendor_site_id = i.vendor_site_id
AND c.po_header_id IS NOT NULL
AND a.payment_status_flag = 'Y'
AND d.type_lookup_code != 'BLANKET';

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