po approved supplier list query (ASL)
Base Table:
select * from po_asl_attributes
select * from po_approved_supplier_list
Query :
/* Formatted on 10/4/2013 1:18:12 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */
SELECT msib.inventory_item_id,
msib.segment1 "ITEM_NUMBER",
msib.description "ITEM_DESCRIPTION",
msib.primary_uom_code "PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE",
DECODE (MSIB.enabled_flag, 'Y', 'Active', 'Inactive') "ITEM_STATUS",
pv.segment1 "VENDOR_NUMBER",
pv.vendor_name "VENDOR_NAME",
pvsa.vendor_site_code "VENDOR_SITE_CODE",
pas.status "SOURCE_ASL_STATUS",
ood.organization_code "ORGANIZATION CODE",
FROM APPS.po_approved_supplier_list asl,
APPS.po_vendors pv,
APPS.po_vendor_sites_all pvsa,
APPS.org_organization_definitions ood,
APPS.mtl_system_items_b msib,
APPS.po_asl_attributes paa,
APPS.po_asl_statuses pas
WHERE pv.vendor_id = asl.vendor_id
AND pvsa.vendor_site_id = asl.vendor_site_id
AND ood.organization_id = asl.using_organization_id
AND ood.operating_unit = pvsa.org_id
AND asl.item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
AND asl.using_organization_id = msib.organization_id
AND ood.organization_id = msib.organization_id
AND asl.asl_id = paa.asl_id
AND asl.using_organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND msib.organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND ood.organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND asl.asl_status_id = pas.status_id
AND msib.segment1 = :ITEM_NUMBER
================== ********************* ====================
select * from po_asl_attributes
select * from po_approved_supplier_list
Query :
/* Formatted on 10/4/2013 1:18:12 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */
SELECT msib.inventory_item_id,
msib.segment1 "ITEM_NUMBER",
msib.description "ITEM_DESCRIPTION",
msib.primary_uom_code "PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE",
DECODE (MSIB.enabled_flag, 'Y', 'Active', 'Inactive') "ITEM_STATUS",
pv.segment1 "VENDOR_NUMBER",
pv.vendor_name "VENDOR_NAME",
pvsa.vendor_site_code "VENDOR_SITE_CODE",
pas.status "SOURCE_ASL_STATUS",
ood.organization_code "ORGANIZATION CODE",
FROM APPS.po_approved_supplier_list asl,
APPS.po_vendors pv,
APPS.po_vendor_sites_all pvsa,
APPS.org_organization_definitions ood,
APPS.mtl_system_items_b msib,
APPS.po_asl_attributes paa,
APPS.po_asl_statuses pas
WHERE pv.vendor_id = asl.vendor_id
AND pvsa.vendor_site_id = asl.vendor_site_id
AND ood.organization_id = asl.using_organization_id
AND ood.operating_unit = pvsa.org_id
AND asl.item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
AND asl.using_organization_id = msib.organization_id
AND ood.organization_id = msib.organization_id
AND asl.asl_id = paa.asl_id
AND asl.using_organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND msib.organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND ood.organization_id = paa.using_organization_id
AND asl.asl_status_id = pas.status_id
AND msib.segment1 = :ITEM_NUMBER
================== ********************* ====================
Approved Supplier List (ASL) in Oracle Purchasing
This Post is about Oracle Apps Purchasing and ASL ( Approved Supplier List) and I will explain how to define the APPROVE SUPPLIER list in Oracle Purchasing
In the last REQ TO PO RECEIPT cycle post we have noticed that I have define an Item(Test001) with “Use Approval Supplier Checked “ and when I try to approve the PO Release for this item system prompt with error message
“Item is restricted and Supplier is not Approve Supplier”. To Progress the Releases /PO with the item that are mark as “Use Approve Supplier” , we need to define the Item in the Approve Supplier List.
Note - In Approve Supplier List (ASL)we define all the Supplier that are Approved to Supply a particular Item.
Note - In Approve Supplier List (ASL)we define all the Supplier that are Approved to Supply a particular Item.
ASL is very helpful and purpose of ASL is to automate the Identification of the Supplier to supply specific goods Or we cab say with ASL we are trying to automate the Source of Supply.
Oracle has made it very easy to define ASL in Oracle Apps Purchasing Module.
Oracle has made it very easy to define ASL in Oracle Apps Purchasing Module.
Supplier Base > Supplier Statuses
In ASL we store info. Like
- Ship- To
- Ship – From
- Also we store the status of the Supplier.
Status of Supplier in ASL are
- Approve
- New
- Debarred
Along with the Statues , for each Supplier/Item combination in ASL we define the Rules to indicate what action should allowed and Prevent
4 Action that we can assign to ASL are
- PO Allowed
- Sourcing
- Schedule Confirmation
- Manufacture Link
Attribute that we define in ASL are
- Item
- Business type
- Status
- Review By
- Global etc
Create Approved Supplier List for Item Test001 , and associate the Suppliet “Office , Supplies , Inc”
Create Quote and Create Blanket Agreement
Create Release for the Blanket Agreement. Please Note that in Release we have Item Test001 and since it is marked as “Use Approve Supplier” , with Supplier now in ASL we can now approve PO release for this item.
PO Agreement
PO Release
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